what to eat after wisdom teeth removal

What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you preparing for wisdom teeth removal and wondering what to eat afterwards? This can be a challenging time, as your mouth will likely be sore and tender for several days after the procedure. However, it is important to eat the right foods to promote healing and avoid complications. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on what to eat after wisdom teeth removal, including some tips and tricks to make the process easier.


Wisdom teeth removal is a common procedure that many people undergo in their late teens or early twenties. While it can be a necessary step to maintain oral health, it can also be a challenging and uncomfortable experience. After the procedure, you may experience pain, swelling, and tenderness in your mouth, making it difficult to eat or drink. However, it is important to eat the right foods to promote healing and avoid complications.

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on what to eat after wisdom teeth removal. We will cover the best foods to eat, as well as those to avoid, and provide you with some tips and tricks to make the process easier. By following our advice, you can ensure a smooth and speedy recovery and get back to your regular routine in no time.

What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

After wisdom teeth removal, it is important to eat soft, easy-to-chew foods that are not too hot or spicy. You should also avoid foods that are crunchy, sticky, or hard, as these can irritate your mouth and interfere with the healing process. Here are some of the best foods to eat after wisdom teeth removal:

1. Soups and Broths

Soups and broths are excellent choices after wisdom teeth removal, as they are easy to swallow and can be packed with nutrients. Opt for a broth-based soup or a creamy soup that doesn't have any large chunks of meat or vegetables. You can also add some soft noodles or rice to make it more filling.

2. Smoothies and Milkshakes

Smoothies and milkshakes are another great option for those who have had their wisdom teeth removed. They are cool and refreshing, which can help soothe your mouth, and can be packed with fruits and vegetables for added nutrition. Just make sure to avoid using a straw, as this can dislodge the blood clot and cause a painful condition known as dry socket.

3. Soft Scrambled Eggs

Eggs are an excellent source of protein, which can help promote healing after wisdom teeth removal. Soft scrambled eggs are easy to chew and swallow, and you can add some cheese or herbs for extra flavor. Just make sure not to overcook them, as this can make them tough and difficult to eat.

4. Mashed Potatoes

Mashed potatoes are a classic comfort food that can be easily prepared and served after wisdom teeth removal. They are soft and easy to chew, and you can add some butter or gravy for extra flavor. You can also mix in some cooked vegetables, such as carrots or peas, for added nutrition.

5. Yogurt

Yogurt is a great choice for those who have had their wisdom teeth removed, as it is soft, smooth, and easy to swallow. It is also packed with probiotics, which can help promote oral health and prevent infections. Opt for plain, unsweetened yogurt, and avoid any flavors

that contain chunks of fruit or granola, as these can be difficult to chew.

6. Applesauce

Applesauce is a soft and easy-to-eat food that is ideal after wisdom teeth removal. It is also packed with vitamins and minerals, making it a healthy choice. Just make sure to choose unsweetened applesauce, as added sugars can be harmful to your teeth and gums.

7. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is a soft and creamy food that is easy to chew and swallow after wisdom teeth removal. It is also a great source of protein and calcium, which can help promote healing and prevent bone loss. You can add some fruit or honey for extra flavor.

8. Pudding and Jello

Pudding and Jello are soft and smooth foods that can be easily swallowed after wisdom teeth removal. They are also a great source of energy and can help satisfy your sweet tooth. Just make sure to avoid any flavors that contain fruit chunks or pieces of candy.

9. Smoothie Bowls

Smoothie bowls are a fun and nutritious option for those who have had their wisdom teeth removed. They are made with blended fruits and vegetables and topped with toppings like granola or nuts. Just make sure to choose soft toppings that are easy to chew and avoid using a straw.

10. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a soft and comforting food that is ideal for those who have had their wisdom teeth removed. It is also a great source of fiber and can help keep you full and satisfied. You can add some milk or honey for extra flavor.

What to Avoid After Wisdom Teeth Removal

While there are many foods that are safe to eat after wisdom teeth removal, there are also some that you should avoid. These include:

1. Crunchy or Hard Foods

Foods that are crunchy or hard, such as chips, crackers, or popcorn, can be difficult to chew and can irritate your mouth. They can also dislodge the blood clot and cause dry socket, a painful condition that can prolong your recovery time.

2. Spicy Foods

Spicy foods can irritate your mouth and gums after wisdom teeth removal, making them painful to eat. They can also increase inflammation and delay the healing process.

3. Acidic Foods

Foods that are high in acid, such as citrus fruits and juices, can irritate your mouth and gums after wisdom teeth removal. They can also slow down the healing process and increase your risk of infection.

4. Carbonated Drinks

Carbonated drinks, such as soda and sparkling water, can be harmful after wisdom teeth removal. They can dislodge the blood clot and cause dry socket, and the bubbles can also irritate your mouth and gums.

5. Alcohol

Alcohol can interfere with the healing process after wisdom teeth removal and can also increase your risk of infection. It can also be harmful if you are taking pain medication, as it can interact with the drugs and cause adverse effects.

Tips and Tricks for Eating After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Eating after wisdom teeth removal can be challenging, but there are some tips and tricks that can make the process easier. Here are a few:

1. Start with Soft Foods

Start with soft and easy-to-chew foods, such as soups, smoothies, and mashed potatoes, and gradually work your way up to more solid foods as your mouth heals.

2. Chew on the Opposite Side

If you have had your wisdom teeth removed from one side of your mouth, chew your food on the opposite side to avoid irritating the extraction site.

3. Take Small Bites

Take small bites and chew slowly to avoid putting too much pressure on your extraction site. This can help prevent irritation and promote healing.

4. Rinse with Salt Water

Rinse your mouth with warm salt water several times a day to keep the extraction site clean and promote healing. You can make salt water by mixing a teaspoon of salt with a cup of warm water.

5. Avoid Hot Foods and Beverages

Avoid hot foods and beverages, as they can irritate your mouth and gums and slow down the healing process. Stick to lukewarm or cold foods and drinks instead.


Here are some frequently asked questions about what to eat after wisdom teeth removal:

1. How long should I wait to eat after wisdom teeth removal?

You should wait at least 24 hours before eating solid foods after wisdom teeth removal. Start with soft foods and gradually work your way up to more solid foods as your mouth heals.

2. Can I eat chips or crackers after wisdom teeth removal?

No, you should avoid crunchy or hard foods like chips or crackers after wisdom teeth removal, as they can irritate your mouth and gums and dislodge the blood clot.

3. Can I eat pizza after wisdom teeth removal?

It depends on the type of pizza. Avoid pizzas with hard or crunchy crusts, as well as those with tough meats or chewy cheeses. Stick to soft toppings like mushrooms or onions.

4. Can I drink coffee after wisdom teeth removal?

You should avoid hot beverages like coffee or tea after wisdom teeth removal, as they can irritate your mouth and gums. Stick to lukewarm or cold drinks instead.

5. Can I eat ice cream after wisdom teeth removal?

Yes, ice cream is a great option after wisdom teeth removal. It is soft and easy to eat, and can also help soothe any soreness or swelling.

6. Can I eat spicy foods after wisdom teeth removal?

No, you should avoid spicy foods after wisdom teeth removal, as they can irritate your mouth and gums and increase inflammation.


In conclusion, choosing the right foods to eat after wisdom teeth removal can make a big difference in your recovery time and overall comfort. Stick to soft and easy-to-chew foods, such as soups, smoothies, and mashed potatoes, and avoid crunchy or hard foods, spicy foods, and carbonated drinks. Follow these tips and tricks for eating after wisdom teeth removal, and be sure to rinse your mouth with warm salt water to promote healing. With a little patience and care, you will be back to enjoying all your favorite foods in no time!

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